Yes, but it won’t affect your credit score. Lenders perform a soft credit check when you apply. This allows them to judge your suitability for the loan you are applying for. If you accept a loan offer, the direct lender is required by law to perform a full credit check. Although this will show up on your credit report, you will already know you meet all the lender’s criteria.

If you make the repayments on time, then it will only have a positive impact on your credit rating. All personal loan lenders are regulated by the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) and anyone who says they can lend you money without a credit check could either be misleading you or not a reputable or legitimate lender.

Our brokers panel specialises in providing secured and unsecured loans to people with bad credit, so don’t be put off by the fact you’ve been turned down elsewhere, there’s an excellent chance we can still help.